Wednesday 28 October 2015

The Beginning of Fyne

The Journey of Fyne began even before July 2013 ( The official Launch) .. It was in the month of Feb 2013 that I spoke about my wish to start something to my Wife, who initially was skeptical but seeing my enthusiasm and understanding the person in me , she knew there was not much of a choice but to say "Yes". Then the next challenge was the Parents, who even today say " I made a wrong choice" , buy hey , that's the way they think

So, now its decided that I would have to start , but WHAT?? Have been a Telecom Marketing guy for long, logical move would have been VAS but then that's very tech intensive (not my cup, then) .. Ecommerce was booming , now E-com yes but then what to sell?? Electronics, Fashion, Jewellery , Pets and more everything was available ... but hey those days these large ecom players were not playing the game of Building Materials.. So Building Materials it is...Also being a Civil Engineer it made more sense for me.

Then it was the Domain name.. Wanted a Domain name that would be easy to type and needed to be less than Google (5 Letter) .. Fine Products is what we intended to sell and Fyne it is.

Wanted a Logo and my friend Sumesh who heads a Design Firm in Vietnam called Dinasaurs brought out the beautiful logo

Thus was born

More ahead

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